Thursday, 24 January 2013


Secondly, I viewed Catch me If you Can (2002),

This helepd me to get another expression and idea, how titles are organized and shown to the audience.
The scence starts with the Production Firm, which presents the film. In this case it is Dream Works Pictures. 
It continous, with other Labels, which helped to produce the film, The Kemp Company and Splendid Pictures. After the Companies are shown, the opening scene enumerates the persons, who played the biggest role in the production and then it show the person, who´s film idea it was. The font and size of the font is so far everytime the same.

After the production Companies and Producers, the first actor is shown. Now a fancy yellow arrow is included, which point at a stickmen. The first actor is Leonardo DiCaprio so it starts directly with the main actor of the film, the person changes then her outfit, from a suit into a uniform of a aircraft capitan. This tells the audience about the plot, because DiCaprio act´s as a imposter. He changes the whole film between different jobs i.g. from Doctor to Aircraft Captian. After this the second protagonist is shown in form of Tom Hanks, he owns the role of the commissar.Afterwards, it show´s steps, which DiCaprio walks up and then they disappears behind him, consequently Hanks can´t follow him. This give the audience another clue for the plot, because nearly the whole time of the film the police is groping in the dark due to this mysteries imposter.

After this short sequence, which tell the audience the realtion between the two protagonists. After that the film title is shown in massive letters over the whole screne. Actually, the whole opening scecne is built up as a hide and seek game, or a kind of the famous child game tag. 
During the sequence  DiCaprio transform into many different Characters, a special detail for this transformation is always that the color of the screen changes completly i.g. Captian = cerulean. As you see in the Picture he changed from a Beachboy into a Doctor. In my opinion they used stripmens that the faces are unseen and not even the audience knows tha characters in deep from the beginning. This the same in the film, because Hanks and DiCaprio never see each other face-to-face until the end.

After the protagonist´s are shown in deep for a long part of the sequence, the different secondary characters are shown. But, they are only shown with names, they do not have a own stripmen character. The names are just, put in a random order.  

Finally all the other party of the production team are shown, like the Casting, Co-Producer and the author of the book. 


I analysed the opening sequence of "DREAMCATCHER",

this provides me with  knowledge and information how the different Title of Film Comapny, Actors, Directors or others. This will helps me to select a order for my own Thriller.

BUT, the main thing i will looking for is the Filmtitle, Actors, Directors and the Label. These things are the most important things for myself, because i will have exactly these in my own thriller. I will create a own production Label for this film, which will be shown in the opening sequence as well. 

So the Dreamcatcher scene starts with the Logos of the Film Studio's in this case Warner Brothers, Castle Rock Entertainment and Village Roadshow Pictures.
Then the Studio, who took probably a massive part in the production. So it say's " Castlerock Entertainment presents ", follwed by the companies, which were included in the production.

After all the companies, which took part in the production, all the actors are shown which have a role in the film. But they don't say, which role he plays, so they only give information  about the actors, but they don't link them to the film plot.

After this the film title appears and when it reached his place in the middle of the screen, the letters move in the write order. This focuses the audience attention on the title.

After this it explains the audience the different roles behind the scene i.g. Casting, Music, Co-Producers, Creature Design, Visual Effects Supervisor, Editing and Production Designer.

It tells the audience also that the film is based on a book from Stephen King. The last thing, which is shown the Director in this case Lawrence Kasdan.


My 3th and last titles analysis ( and 7th analysis overall) is Forrest Gump (1994) with Tom Hanks.
The whole opening scene follows a white feder until the the feder fell down in front of Forrest Gumps Running Shoes. 

The opening scene presents all labels and companies and the main label, which presents the film to the audience, in this case Paramount Pictures. After that the main actor Tom Hanks is listed.
After that are all other persons listed, which were nessecary to create is awesome movie, i.g. Directors, Screen-play, Photography, Sound and so on.
The Part when the feder lands on his shoes is really important. Actually, Forrest is a really unlucky guy and then when the feder lands on his old and dirty sneakers, he feels kind of a special moment, because it is unlikely that the feder lands exactly on his shoes.