Tuesday, 19 March 2013


I just finished Evaluation Questions 6 - What did we learnt about technologies we used? 

I used again iMovie where I recorded my own voice to slides of a prasentation I created with PREZI. 

Here is a short overview about the prasentation and the final iMovie version. 

I basiclly talked about the whole process from the start until the finished opening sequence of Dark Vengeance. I included all the knowledge we gained due to lessons, softwares we used, websites we used and alle the equipment like tripond, camera, phones or props. 

I used really often a sea-blue screen to give the audience an overview what I will talk about.  As you can see in the pictures 3.1 and 2.3

This is the website I used for designing the prasentation:




2) this are screen-shot from the finished evaluation question when I watched it in Elmedia Player:





Evaluation answering (question 6)

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constucting this product?

Discuss in detail all the different forms of media you have used throughout your coursework and how this has affected and influenced your understanding to different forms of media technologies.
This can include:
  • The filming equipment ( cameras, Tripod, etc.)
  • The editing software - Final Cut Pro
  • Other software: In design, PowerPoint, Word, Motion, Garage band, etc.
  • Your blog and everything that entailed to create and maintain it.
  • YouTube, other videos (The Art of Titles), copyright free music, etc. 
For this question we have done a presentation on prezi.com. We will record the presentation and will furthermore answer the question by audio on top of the video presentation. 


This is a short overview what I have done for the fifth evaluation question: How did you attract/adress you audience? 

I used Xtranormal to create a Avatar, which answers my question in a quick way. 

2) This is the process of desgining the avatar on the website.