Tuesday, 22 January 2013


Secondly, I anlaysed Sherlock Holmes, ( http://www.artofthetitle.com/title/sherlock-holmes/ )

which is a different type of opening scene. It is a mix between animation and historical atmosphere. It is a kind of Thriller, which units Crime/ Action and Historical sub-genre in a single Thriller. The Actors are Roberty Downey Jr. and Judth Law.

They used always a real shot of a Character or scene, which disappears then into painting on a really old yellowed sheet of paper, which looks a bit like a newspaper from 1800´s or a old sketch pad. This is a really good idea for linking the old historical aspect of Holmes and Doctor Watts with the reamake. they tried also to show a part of the printing process of that time period using the linotype machine and woodblock type headline compositions. As location for this special paper and printing atmosphere they used a printing museum and set up several still shoots to get all the material they needed for storyboards.

This show´s the moment of Character Sherlock Holmes, when the shot of him dissappears into a painting. As you can see they tried to emphasize the old touch with the inc of a fountain pen.

In the Opening scence are the logos of Warner and Village Roadshow Pictures. It is made up really clever it show th elogos integrated into the streets. These sufacing of the street is made up from cobblestones, which was the most common material for streets in city in these period of time, e.g London in Sherlock Holmes.

All the cobblestones are well-crafted 3D instead of real. So the whole sequence is actually created by human hands and with computer software's.

Consequently, it is again not the best example for my own Thriller, but it showed me a nearly perfect opening scene and provided me with knowledge about the importance of a Opening scene and the titles. I learned from this video that the Start needs always to be completely suitably with the whole film. 
So, I should have a rough idea of the plot from my thriller to link it carefully to my opening tableau. 

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