Thriller that influenced me for my own Thriller?
I don´t really chose a sub-genre for my thrille yet, but i watched some opneing scence to get some idea´s. I think I will tend to the genre´s action, crime, historical or pyscho.
First movie I looked at was Vantage Point, I only found the full movie one youtube, but it still provides the first secne´s.
The used Long takes and establishing shot´s to show the whole City were the film takes place, in this case Salamanca, Spain. It show shot´s from the whole audience and the media teams, which are their to carry the announcement of the President out to the whole world. This ensures that the audience understand, that the peace summit is really important for the world.
I was really inspired by NAVY CIS, CSI MIAMI or Hawaii Five-O this have a typical scheme. The always show a short action at the beginning, but not with a clear end. After the opening scene of these series you always see a died person, which was killed. This person was always included in the opening scene and/or is related in a special way to the dead.
Opening scene Hawii Five-0:
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