Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Evaluation (qu. 7)

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

How did the preliminary task prepare you for the creation of your film? What did you learn about the equipment software and from the creative process? How did your knowledge affect your perception of the main task? Were you excited? Uncertain? Do you feel the preliminary task was beneficial in preparation for the short film?

The preliminary task was hold quite simple and just a clip of about 12 shots. We have of course not taken it that seriously as the main video we had to do. We have taken about an hour and a half to make the preliminary task, whereas the main video took about 1 month and a half. So the preliminary task mainly prepared us in terms of using the editing program Final Cut Pro.
Therefore in comparison to the main product we had to think of the story, get used to the camera and learn filming. The problem there was that of course it was our first time making a video. Therefore the filming at the beginning was not that good and we had to refilm a lot in terms of darkness or facial expressions. In terms of the preliminary task we only had to film couple of scenes and cut them together, which of course was fun, but was actually compared to the final video pretty bad.
Our own knowledge got influence not in terms of the software, but in terms of the individual skills in filming, acting or thinking of the story. The good thing was that we both had actually the same ideas of the thriller, which means we both thought of something scary and dark murder scene. Furthermore we had to adapt the story on our possibilities given, like we had to use the location around the school. So our own knowledge and individual class.

I have answered the question mainly but not completely, because we decided spontaneously that we will make a mind map on a big sheet of paper with away of progression shown on it and the way we have developed.

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